


The next Meeting of Culcabock & Drakies Community Council 
will be held on
Thursday 3rd April 2025 at 7 30 pm
The Community Hall, Grebe Avenue,

Dates of meetings in 2025 for your diary
April 3rd
June 5th
August 7th
October 2nd
December 4th




PLEASE VISIT all pages on the website for local NEWS


Drakies estate is now a 20mph Zone 

Please help keep our residents and their pets safe by lowering your speed and observing the 20mph speed limit.  Thank you


Become a Community Councillor - we need new members to join us. We are looking for people who are proactive, enthusiastic and have a desire to be involved.  Community Councils are voluntary organisations that express the views and concerns of local people within their area across a wide range of issues from new buildings and roads to local services and facilities. The scheme for the establishment of Community Councils can be downloaded from The Highland Council website.  If you want to support your local community, please consider standing for your Community Council. To qualify you must be 16 years of age or over (by the date of the close of nominations), be registered as an elector on the local government electoral register and resident of the community council area. The community council’s welcome residents locally to get involved and are looking for people to put themselves forward.  Be the Voice of Your Community as they need you!  The general purpose of Community Councils is to act as a voice for their local area; to raise the views and concerns of local people with The Highland Council and with other public sector bodies and private agencies.
In addition to this, there are any number of activities in which they can become involved which might benefit their area, either working to achieve this on their own or in partnership with other agencies. These can include road improvements, youth projects, environmental initiative and the upgrading of amenities. Many Community Councils also involve themselves in a wide range of other activities including fundraising, organising community events, undertaking environmental and educational projects amongst others.
Anyone can become a member of their Community Council provided they are:
Over 16 years old
Live within the specified boundary
Are on the electoral register for that area

Are you aged between 16 and 18 years of age. We have places for 2 young Community Council members. We want to hear from you.

Young people want to be part of local democracy and they should have a real say in local matters – particularly if it directly impacts on them as individuals, their friends, their family, and their wider communities. Community Councils are well placed to play a crucial role in listening and responding to the issues which are important to young people locally. You don’t have to take on a specific role to be involved in your community council. Members play an important part by thinking creatively about what you can do together to improve the lives of local citizens.

Contact the CC Secretary or any CC Committee member.


PARKING ON PAVEMENTS - seems to be coming even more of a problem in Drakies.
Parking on the pavement is likely to cause a grave danger to pedestrians. In particular it creates hazards for people with disabilities and poses particular difficulties for the blind and those with other visual impairments. It affects older people who may use a walking aid, and therefore need more space; those with a wheelchair or a mobility scooter; those with prams or pushchairs and our children. There should be absolutely no reason to have to go into the road to get past parked cars. We are fortunate to have good driveways taking 2 or more cars - It is not difficult to 'swap' the cars around in the driveway so please show consideration to our pedestrians.
This growing concern is not only dangerous but is unsightly and reduces the tight management of the streets i.e. cleaning, snow clearing etc. which is a key to preserving a high quality street environment - and over time it is damaging to the pavement structure.




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